Row metal gear solid 5 the phantom pain steam
Row metal gear solid 5 the phantom pain steam

row metal gear solid 5 the phantom pain steam

row metal gear solid 5 the phantom pain steam

What saves it is that it's super fun to play.I'd recommend the game to anyone but there's simplySimply unfinished and unpolished game. I can only put it down to inexperience in this area. It just is a real demonstration of the way the open world concept can be implemented to the detriment of story. The story becomes voice over, mission descriptions and perhaps a cinematic every few hours. The intro is very enticing and cinematic but when the world opens up it really falls apart at the seams. Stealthing through the enemy and picking them off one by one has never felt so smooth or as satisfying.However there has always been two sides of MGS games and while the gameplay is marvelous the story is somewhat of a disappointment.


It is a real blast deciding how to approach a situation and highly satisfying when it comes off. A wide array of weapons, gadgets, player movements and always many ways to complete the mission. This game is good though definitely not the 10/10 many have given it.In terms of gameplay this is definitely some of the best stealthThis game is good though definitely not the 10/10 many have given it.In terms of gameplay this is definitely some of the best stealth gameplay around. This game may just be the game of the year.

row metal gear solid 5 the phantom pain steam

You will find yourself completing every side quest and finding every hidden objective solely for enjoyments sake. Metal Gear Solid V manages to stay completely true to the Metal Gear name while bettering itself in every imaginable way.The games one failing is its abrupt ending that was shoe-horned in because the real ending couldn't be completed in time and the game is so fantastic in every other way that I completely forgive this.Pick this game up as soon as you get the chance if you haven't already. I can think of no other game that has transitioned from its roots into the modern era more effectively. The world is completely unique while grounded in a pseudo-reality that makes it both interesting and relatable. The writing is excellent, the plot is fantastic, and the gameplay is nearly flawless. The writing is excellent, the plot isWhat can I say here that hasn't already been said by 1623 other individuals? This game is fantastic. What can I say here that hasn't already been said by 1623 other individuals? This game is fantastic.

  • Grand Theft Auto V: Premium Online Edition.
  • However there has always been two sides of MGS games and while the gameplay is marvelous the story is somewhat of a disappointment.

    row metal gear solid 5 the phantom pain steam

    Stealthing through the enemy and picking them off one by one has never felt so smooth or as satisfying. In terms of gameplay this is definitely some of the best stealth gameplay around. In terms of gameplay this is definitely some of the best stealth This game is good though definitely not the 10/10 many have given it. This game is good though definitely not the 10/10 many have given it.

    Row metal gear solid 5 the phantom pain steam