Now navigate to the Google Sheet document populated with your Spotify data, which you just prepared. Choose Create new data source and select Google Sheets as the Google Connector on the following page. A pop-up appears, asking for your data source. In the top right corner, hit the second button to Make a copy of this report. #CAN YOU CHECK YOUR SPOTIFY STATS FREE#
Feel free to take a look at my weird, personal listening data.
Head over to our Google Data Studio template on. All that’s left is hooking up your data to our Google Data Studio visualization template, which we’ll explain briefly below.
Phew, you’ve done the hardest part of the work now. To make sure it adds this information to all the rows of data, simply select E2 and double click on the blue box at the bottom right corner of the selected cell.
It will now detect the language of the song from the song’s title, and insert that language code in E2. In cell E2, type =DETECTLANGUAGE(C2) and hit enter.
Now that we have all of the song listening data in one sheet, let’s enrich our data a little bit before visualizing it with Google Data Studio. After this process, delete all the sheets that are not your base sheet, by clicking on the arrow next to those sheets’ names and hitting Delete. Repeat this process if you have more than two sheets of song listening data, so all rows of data are captured in the first sheet. Now head back to your first sheet, your base sheet, select the first empty cell in the A column below the rows of data, and hit Command-V to paste the data rows from the second sheet under it. Now select the whole sheet with Command-A, and use Command-C to copy all of its rows of data. Remove the top row (the header row) of the second sheet of data, with a right mouse-click on the ‘1’ on the left of the first row, and hit Delete row. Now, head over to the second sheet of data (if you have multiple). Scroll down to the bottom row of data in that first sheet. To do this, we’re going to consolidate everything into the first sheet. But we actually want it all to be in one sheet, not spread across multiple sheets in the same document, so Google Data Studio can read it at once. Now, you have all the songs you played last year in one Google Sheet document. Repeat this process for all of the csvjson.csv files if you have more than one downloaded from the conversion site, for instance csvjson (1).csv, but make sure to first create a new sheet in the same document, using the + button on the bottom left every time you start a new import. You now have the data imported into a sheet. Choose Replace current sheet, and hit the Import data button. Choose Upload, and select the first of your StreamingHistory CSV files that you just obtained using the conversion site named csvjson.csv. In the newly created Sheets document, navigate to the File menu, and hit Import. Head over to and create a new Google Sheets document using the New button on the top left. Now, you should have all your StreamingHistory files as CSV files in your Downloads folder.
Repeat this process for all the files starting with StreamingHistory.
Once it’s uploaded (100%), click the Convert button, and then the Download button. Simply head over to /json2csv and click Select a file on the left, navigate to your MyData folder, and select the first file starting with StreamingHistory.
We have to convert each of the files starting with StreamingHistory from a JSON file to a CSV file, to make it ready to be imported into a Google Sheet document. If you’ve got more than one of these files, it means you’ve listened to more than 10,000 songs over the past year, as Spotify splits your listening history per 10,000 plays across files. In the folder, identify all the files starting with StreamingHistory. We’re going to put it in a Google Sheet, so that we can prepare the data a little bit first. For Google Data Studio to be able to read our data, it must be in either in a CSV file or a Google Sheet. A new folder will appear, containing the data files. #CAN YOU CHECK YOUR SPOTIFY STATS ZIP FILE#
Unzip the downloaded zip file called my_spotify_data.zip, simply by double-clicking on it. Once you’ve received the email, download your data, and make sure to return to this article to follow the next steps. This won’t be a large file, as it mainly contains textual data. Now, it’s just a matter of waiting a few days to receive an email from Spotify with a link to download your personal data. Scroll down to Download your data and click the Request button below Step 1. Now navigate to Privacy settings using the menu on the left side. Simply go to, log in, hit the top right Profile menu, and then hit Account. Spotify allows you to get a copy of one year of personal data. So, without further ado, let’s go through the step-by-step process.